We cannot guarantee products other than those purchased at authorized Kyuukei stores. In addition, we do not verify the authenticity of purchased products. Thank you for your understanding.

Recently, counterfeit products of Dr. Bétta baby bottles and related items sold by our company have been confirmed in the People's Republic of China. As a result of inspection by a specialized institution, it became clear that none of the found counterfeit products met the safety standards in Japan.

We will do our best to eradicate counterfeit products in the future, but we would like to ask our customers to purchase at Betta Baby Store or authorized stores .

We cannot guarantee the products other than the genuine products purchased at authorized dealers. In addition, we do not verify the authenticity of purchased products. Thank you for your understanding.

We appreciate your understanding so that customers can use Dr. Bétta baby bottles with peace of mind.

We cannot guarantee any products other than those purchased from official Sosso stores. In addition, we do not verify the authenticity of purchased products. Thank you for your understanding.

We cannot guarantee the products other than the genuine products purchased at authorized dealers. In addition, we do not verify the authenticity of purchased products. Thank you for your understanding.