
2022 zodiac design baby bottle set released🎊

October 25, 2021
2022 zodiac design baby bottle set debut 🌈 🎈 Introducing a set of popular zodiac bottles ♪ Recommended for baby gifts and commemorations ✨ I w...
ゼクシィBaby vol.24 ✨ 広口哺乳びんが掲載中🍼

Zexy Baby vol.24 ✨ Wide neck bottle is featured in this magazine🍼

October 25, 2021
Doctor Bétta wide neck type baby bottle was featured in Zexy Baby vol.24✨! Check out the article on page 96P~97P! It's full of useful informatio...
NEW✨ 2022年干支デザイン哺乳びん Kissボトル🍼

NEW✨ Baby bottle with 2022 zodiac sign design, Kiss bottle🍼

August 20, 2021
For all babies born in the year 2022! New baby bottle with zodiac sign design!Bétta's Zodiac sign design bottle is popular every year🍼 We have alwa...