Bétta /Good Design AWARD & Kids Design AWARD
What is the GOOD DESIGN Award?
The Good Design Award (G-Mark) is the only comprehensive design evaluation and recommendation system in Japan, succeeding the Good Design Selection System established by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1957.
Over the past 50 years, it has been developed as a movement to lead to "richer lifestyles" and "good business" with the aim of creating a new era of culture and life. Today, many companies and organizations in Japan and abroad participate in this movement. The "G Mark," the symbol of the Good Design Award, is widely known as a symbol of good design.
Over the past 50 years, it has been developed as a movement to lead to "richer lifestyles" and "good business" with the aim of creating a new era of culture and life. Today, many companies and organizations in Japan and abroad participate in this movement. The "G Mark," the symbol of the Good Design Award, is widely known as a symbol of good design.
What is the KIDS DESIGN Award?
The Kids Design Award honors designs (products, contents, activities, research, etc.) that contribute to the safety and security of children and their healthy growth and development, and awards the "Kids Design Mark" to commended works.The purpose of this award is to give fair recognition to the achievements for children created by industry, government, academia, and the private sector through the power of "design" from the standpoint of social and cultural values, and to promote the advancement of industrial and research activities and the children's environment through the recognition of outstanding works.The purpose of this award is to improve industrial and research activities and the environment for children by giving fair recognition to achievements for children from the standpoint of social and cultural values and by honoring outstanding achievements.