「Doctor Bétta」中国での商標訴訟勝訴について
この度、中華人民共和国北京市高級人民法院において判決が下され、冒認商標「贝塔 Betta」他全14件の登録無効が確定しました。
今後は、弊社商標権に基づいて、模造品「贝塔 Betta」に係る商品を徹底的に排除し、安心安全な商品をお届けできるよう尽力して参ります。
今後とも正規品「蓓特 Bétta」の『ドクターベッタ哺乳びん』をご愛顧頂けますようよろしくお願い申し上げます。
2019.8.6 Regarding the “Doctor Bétta” trademark lawsuit victory in China
Thank you for your continued support of Doctor Bétta baby bottle.
The decision was passed by the People’s Republic of China’s Higher People’s Court of Beijing, and 14 cases of invalid registration have been settled as trademark theft (贝塔 Betta).
Our fight with trademark theft has continued for a long time. However, in the courthouse of the final trial, our company’s legitimacy has been recognized on all fronts, and we were able to win the lawsuit.
From now on, on the basis of our trademark, we will thoroughly remove any imitation goods that infringe upon the “贝塔 Betta” trademark. We will do our utmost to provide safe and secure products to our customers.
We would like to extend our thanks deep gratitude to the Trademark Review Board, Beijing Intellectual Property Court, and the Higher People’s Court of Beijing.
We hope that you will continue to support our legitimate brand “蓓特 Bétta” Doctor Bétta Baby Bottle.
2019.8.6 關於「Doctor Bétta」於中國獲商標訴訟勝訴一事
非常感謝您一直以來對 Doctor Bétta 的支持與愛用。
日前中華人民共和國北京市高級人民法院做出判決,確定假冒商標「贝塔 Betta」等共 14 件商標的註冊均屬無效。
今後敝公司會基於敝公司之商標權,徹底排除與仿造品「贝塔 Betta」相關之商品,盡最大努力為您送上安心、安全的商品。
今後也請您繼續支持並愛用正規商品「蓓特 Bétta」的『Doctor Bétta 奶瓶』。