現在、正規取扱店舗では「Bétta ( 蓓特 ) のドクターベッタ哺乳びんを買ってくれてありがとうキャンペーン」としまして、ジュエルGY3-200mlのガラス哺乳びんにジュエル替え乳首を無料でプレゼントする企画を実施しています。
2019.3.15 Please notice about imitation products, to protect the safety of babies.
As the sole official manufacturer and seller of Doctor Bétta Baby Bottles, we at Zoom-T Co.,Ltd. would like to reiterate that the correct spelling and reading in Chinese characters for all our products is “蓓特”. As many parents may have noticed already, a lot of Bétta imitations are currently circulating on the Chinese market with the inscription “贝塔”, which have absolutely no link with our company nor official Bétta products.
If you are looking to purchase an original Doctor Bétta baby bottles made in Japan by Zoom-T Co.,Ltd., please do so directly from our official website, our Bétta tonton flagship store in Tokyo or at an authorized retail and distribution spot as indicated on the following link:
>>Betta flagship store (Tmall Global)
Campaign to thank buyers of the Doctor Bétta Baby Bottle
For a limited time, we are offering a free extra Jewel Nipple with the Jewel GY3-200ml glass baby bottle!
* A free nipple is included at the time of purchase.
* You can recognize Bétta"蓓特"'s campaign items by looking for the banner.
※The campaign has ended.
2019.3.15 为了保护婴幼儿的安全请防范假冒商品
我们Zoom-T株式会社生产和销售的Bétta博士奶瓶将使用“蓓特” 的中文表述。我们收到报告称在中国市场有标记为“贝塔”的仿冒产品存在,但是,这些商品与我们没有任何关系。
对于在敝公司的蓓特宝宝商店,或者我们的正规代理店购买的正规商品之外的商品,我们不保证其商品品质。 当您购买蓓特博士奶瓶时,请务必使用我们公司的蓓特博士商店,或者通过我们的正规代理店进行购买。
Bétta“蓓特”展开感谢购买“蓓特博士奶瓶”的促销活动☆ 此次活动中,宝石系列GY3-200ml玻璃奶瓶用的宝石系列替换奶嘴将免费赠送!
* 顾客购买时奶嘴将会免费提供。
* 参与蓓特促销活动商品的购买时,请注意指定的标识。